Social Committee
Claudia Ridel Juzwiak
Nutritionist, obtained her MSc. (2001) and PhD. (2006) at the Pediatrics Department of the Federal University of São Paulo/UNIFESP. In 2008 attained the title of Specialist in Clinical Nutrition and in Sports Nutrition granted by the Brazilian Nutrition Association /ASBRAN. Presently is a Professor at the Federal University of São Paulo, Department of Human Movement Sciences, teaching classes in the Nutrition course, as well an in the Post-graduate Programs in Health Education and Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Works with sports nutrition since 1991. In 1997-1998 did an internship at the High Performance Centre of Sant Cugat, Barcelona, Spain. From 2011-2014 collaborated as the nutritionist of the Brazilian Paralympic Athletic’s Team. Since 2012, coordinates an interdisciplinary project (Integrated Actions for the Athlete’s Health) in partnership with the City of Santos Municipal Government focused on Nutrition Education for athletes. Presently is developing her post-doctoral studies in Food Anthropology and food choices of athletes at the Food Observatory of the University of Barcelona, Spain.
Ricardo Luis Fernandes Guerra
Graduated in Physical Education (Bachelors and educational Degree) from the Federal University of São Carlos (1997-1998), master's (2000) and Ph.D. (2004) in Physiological Sciences, Federal University of São Carlos and Sandwich PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry from the University of California-Berkeley (2003). Works as assistant professor IV, mentor program in graduate education in health sciences and coordinator of the Physical Education (health modality) of the Federal University of São Paulo-Campus UNIFESP-Santos. Has experience in the sport and physiology, with an emphasis in exercise physiology applied to sport and health, acting on the following topics: sport, obesity, elderly and women, with the main line of research: "Exercise, Nutrition and Applied Sports the Health".
Vinícius Demarchi Silva Terra
Vinicius Terra holds a bachelor's degree in Physical Education and PhD in Education from the Audiovisual Studies Laboratory at Unicamp (University of Campinas), with research in Body, Art and Humanities. Has experience in production and cultural management, areas in which he worked both in the public and private sector. Coordinated the cultural action area at SESC-SP (Social Service of Commerce). Was granted a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture in advanced studies on cultural policy, in France. Is currently a Professor at the Federal University of São Paulo and coordinator of the Body & Art Laboratory and the Audiovisual Resources Laboratory. He produces original work in photography and video. Was awarded by the Ministry of Culture, and represented Brazil at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2013.
Sylvia Helena Souza da Silva Batista
Degree in Bachelor of Psychology from the Federal University of Pará (1985), degree in Psychologist Training from the Federal University of Pará (1986), degree in Full Degree in Psychology from Federal University of Pará (1986), master's and doctorate in Education (Psychology of Education) from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1993). I work in the area of education and health, with an emphasis on Education in Health Sciences, with emphasis on the teacher training subjects for higher education in health, learning and health training. In these areas realize my academic activities (teaching, research, extension) and directed my publications (papers and books). Beyond graduation, I act as a permanent teacher of Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Health Sciences (masters and doctorate) and Education in Health Sciences (professional master). In the field of academic management occupied the posts of deputy head of the Health Department, Education and Society (Campus Santos / UNIFESP), deputy director (elected) Campus Santos, Federal University of São Paulo (April / 11 to February / 15), coordinator of the Education Professional Master's Program in Health Sciences (CEDESS / ISS / UNIFESP up to ten / 14). I am currently director (elected) Campus Santos, Federal University of São Paulo (April / 15).
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